A collar

that monitors and
moves your mobs.

Sound guides
them left and right

to fence and shift
across your farm.

For the best grazing and growing performance you’ve ever seen.

and it monitors everything 24/7

Heat. Health. Rumination. Location.

Welcome to a new era of pasture farming

We believe in a world where pasture-based farms are productive, profitable and sustainable.

Founded in 2016, our world-leading solar powered collars for livestock have enabled farmers to virtually fence their pastures and monitor their stock. Our dedicated New Zealand-based team care deeply about the future of farming. We have empowered farmers to optimise productivity, protect waterways and care for their animals.

The Halter system

The collar

The lightweight, ergonomically designed collar transmits cow data to the nearest tower.

The tower

Transmission towers send data between the collars and app. No cell coverage required.

The app

The easy-to-use mobile app lets you remotely manage and shift mobs, optimising grazing & feed management with virtual fencing.

Real farmers, real results

3 mins


“The previous way I was managing my grass was a pasture walk every week. Obviously a week is a long time in farming, a lot of things can happen”

3 mins


“Halter has really unlocked the way we farm. I feel like it’s touched almost every area of the business.”

3 mins


“Grass is where we make our profits, so we need to develop systems to utilise what we grow first”

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